Mac, PC Named Best Commercial Characters

Apple’s Mac and PC transcended the ranks of commercial spokesmen in 2007 to become USATODAY’s best ad-based characters of the year. The characters were portrayed by Justin Long and John Hodgman and appeared in 17 advertisements throughout the year.
John Hodgman and Justin Long in Apple’s Get a Mac campaign.

The advertisements were conceived by TBWA/Chiat/Day and “masterfully humanize a complex technical comparison,” according to USATODAY.

Mike Lear, associate creative director from the advertising firm The Martin Agency, added that the Mac and PC ads are “absolute perfection.”

The impact of TBWA/Chiat/Day on Apple’s advertising world went beyond selling iMacs last year. The company was also behind the successful marketing campaign for the iPhone.

An ad that showed off iPhone features began airing before the combination iPod and smart phone launched at the end of June was so enticing that USATODAY dubbed it the “Make me want to buy it now” commercial of the year.

Alfred University marketing professor William Ward commented “Apple gets it. The ad clearly demonstrates the benefits. Most companies aren’t able to do ‘simple’ — but Apple takes a pretty complicated product and makes it simple.”

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