Hack Your iBook: Put Clarus The Dogcow In Your Apple Logo

A week and a half ago I hacked my brand new dual-USB iBook to put Clarus the Dogcow in the glowing apple on back. After everyone at WWDC fell in love with it, I decided to put it on the Web for others to enjoy. I was thinking perhaps your readers would like it too.

And from the Clarus iBook Web page.

I was sitting in the front row at WWDC and I saw Steve Jobs take a peek at my new iBook when he was taking a swig of water on the sidelines and had a perplexed look on his face and later when he looked back he smiled. I didnit believe it at first, but 2 other people sitting in the front row near me later confirmed it – yep, Steve Jobs himself smiled at my iBook 🙂 Iim proud of my custom iBook, and now that WWDC is over, I think Iim going to put a blue transparency in to create a nice bright blue glowing apple instead of the standard white one. Maybe a pumpkin for October, or other colors/graphics for other occasions, who knows 😉

This is actually a white iBook, see below for more information.

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