PC World Recommends Mac mini as Starter System


C World is recommending Appleis new Mac mini as starter system for new computer users. In a first look at the newest Mac, Rebecca Freed put the Mac mini through consumer-oriented tasks, focusing on how the Mac mini performed.

Ms. Freed tested the unit by opening up a half dozen programs at one time, and switching between them "without any slowness." This was made easier by the 512 megabytes of memory her test unit from Apple came with, twice as much as the US$499 model ships with.

Ms. Freed also ran the unit through multimedia tests like full-screen DVD playback, photo viewing and manipulation (the unit hiccupped on large image files), and listening to sound output through the miniis internal speakers (not adequate in her opinion) and headphones and speakers, which she said "sounded great."

All of which led her to say "Though itis small–more compact than the average lunchbox–this system isnit rickety. It handled most tasks I tried gracefully, without hesitating or freezing."

Ms. Freedis review concludes with, "If I were recommending a starter system to someone (who hadnit already taken a side in the Mac versus Windows holy war), I wouldnit hesitate to send them in the direction of the Mac Mini."

PC World is a Windows-centric, though not exclusive, print magazine that has increased its coverage of Appleis products in recent years. Much of that coverage has been quite positive, exposing its audience of Windows users to the Mac platform.

You can find the full review at PC Worldis Web site.

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