TMO Pics of Apple’s New MacBook Pro, Thunderbolt Port

The new models look very similar to the previous MacBook Pro design, and Apple clearly hasn’t yet decided to begin incorporating everything it introduced in the current MacBook Air into its Pro line. The photo below shows the MacBook Pro 15” model.

MacBook Pro

The biggest change is incorporating Intel’s new Thunderbolt (code named Light Peak) technology into the device. On the MacBook Pro is uses the same Mini DisplayPort connector Apple uses for its Cinema Displays. In the closeup photo below, the Thunderbolt port is marked with the…errr…thunderbolt symbol.


The laptop also includes two USB ports, a FireWire 800 port, mic-in, audio-out, ethernet, and a SDXC camera card slot, all of which are shown in the photo below.


On the other side is the SuperDrive slot for DVDs and CDs, as shown below.


SuperDrive Slot

While it’s not as slick looking as the MacBook Air, it’s still a sexy beast, as demonstrated in the photo below.


The 13” model is very similar, but we grabbed a picture of it, too, which you can see below with the Mac App Store on the screen.

MacBook Pro 13"

Lastly, we got a photo of MobileMe boxes, which are officially an endangered species.


Jeff Gamet assisted with this article, and by “assisted,” I mean he did all the work and took all the pics, while I simply put the article together.

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