Macworld CreativePro Photo Gallery II



Itis another Macworld, sort of, and though the show is a fraction of the size of previous Expos, we still have lots of pics. Todayis images come to you from John F. Braun, and feature some of the cool booths and sights of Macworld CreativePro.

Check out the pirates at LimeWire. They actually showed up with a booth. Then thereis the bearded iMacs and iBooks. The funky looking red dude is the mascott/logo of Crumpler, the makers of some very cool bags you will be hearing more about tomorrow morning.

Click the thumbnail to see a larger image.

dscn1396.jpgLimeWire, Complete with Limes dscn1401.jpgXducer Speaker System dscn1405.jpgCanon Projector City dscn1408.jpgYes You Can Dunk Your Camera
dscn1412.jpgThe Crumpler Mascot dscn1415.jpgItis a Printer! Itis a Disc Burner! dscn1416.jpgHey Kids! dscn1417.jpgThis Mac Ran a Bit Too Hot
dscn1447.jpgTacky Shirt Training dscn1450.jpgThis is a…We Donit Know What It Is dscn1451.jpgFreakish Bearded iMac dscn1454.jpgFreaky Bearded iBook

A Beige iMac. Why?

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