Media Asset Manager Updated With iPhoto Support

Rune Lindman today announced the release of version 5.1 of QPict Media Organizer.

What are new features in QPict Media Organizer 5.1?

This new version adds iPhoto Import. This lets you use iPhoto for importing from camera and QPict for advanced searches and batch processing. Now also includes advanced Font File Support for index view, printing sample pages and even installing and removing Fonts. Support for creating super sharp Finder Icons has also been added.

Other changes:

  • Keep link to media when change of volume
  • Set desktop image now works on X
  • Remaining demo time now shown
  • Self contained index files
  • Improved support for large icons
  • Apple Help (X only)
  • New media navigator
  • Now correctly checks for file extension
  • Using apply changes using "global setting" fixed
  • Print Selection is once again available from the contextual menu
  • Fixed a redraw problem after edit name
  • Fixed a timing problem with the slideshow
  • Helper applications (packages) now works
  • Cosmetic changes (de-selection artifacts)
  • Automatic thumbnail creation fix
  • Flashing file icons fixed
  • Drag Hilite now displays correctly
  • Set Desktop only for supported media

You can find more information about the QPict Media Organizer update at the QPict Web site. The update is free for registered users, while the full version is available for US$35.00.

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