Trikke: Have Fun Away From Your Mac, Watch The Videos In QuickTime


Warning:Viewing the info and QuickTime movies on the site referenced in this article may cause a sudden deficit in your checking account.

This isnit exactly computer related, but I found this device and the videos so cool that I felt obligated to tell you about it.

Some of you may have seen the commercials on TV. The device in question is called the Trikke and it is one of the coolest devices Iive ever seen. has several QuickTime videos of the Trikke in action, and the videos are fun in themselves. Just watching the guys in the vids swooping around and doing tricks on the 3-wheeled wonder is mesmerizing, for about 5 minutes; thatis how long it will that you to decide if youill buy a Trikke or not.

I was wondering just where this bit of tri-wheeled coolness came from, so I contacted Bill Schlueter, Vice President of Sales and Content for Trikke Tech Inc., and asked him how the Trikke came into being.

"The Trikke three wheeled vehicle was invented by a Brazilian automotive manufacturing engineer some 12 years ago," Mr. Schlueter told me. "It really found its place in the states where people are perpetually looking for something new and fun. Trikke is a completely new riding experience that took 12 years to perfect, and the technology opens doors to a whole new world of possibilities with all terrain and motorized versions to come. Unlike the old time scooter, which has actually been around for well over a hundred years, the Trikke propels itself via a skiing/inline skate type of motion rather that kicking off the ground. You carve and shred for miles and miles without touching the ground."

Watch the QuickTime videos and youill agree, it looks like the people on the Trikke are gliding almost effortlessly.

Trikke 8

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