Apple Confirms $30 Discount Only For OS X Feedback Providers (Updated)

After much speculation on whether or not Apple would provide a discount on OS X for those that purchased the Public Beta, Apple provided an answer earlier this morning. Apple sent an e-mail to those Public Beta users that provided feedback to the Apple Web site offering a $30 discont on OS X if purchased through the Apple Store.

There was initial confusion as to exactly who would be eligible for the $30 discount, but Apple has confirmed that the special price is indeed only for those that provided feedback to Apple Mac OS X Web site. According to an Apple representative:

Apple is offering a $30 discount on pre-orders of the final version of MacOS X through The Apple Store ( to the thousands ofcustomers who provided valuable feedback on the Mac OS X Public Beta. Thisoffer is our way of saying “thanks” for helping make Mac OS X the worldismost advanced operating system.

Mac OS X will be released on March 24, 2001. All customers interested inpre-ordering Mac OS X can do so immediately through The Apple Store( and Apple resellers.

This all began when Public Beta users across the world reported that they had received an e-mail identical to the one we received this morning:

Dear Mac Observer,

Thank you for being one of the pioneers who beta tested Mac OS X. Your feedback has helped make Mac OS X the worldis most advanced operating system. To show our appreciation, we are offering you a $30 discount on the final version of Mac OS X. You will also be among the first to receive Mac OS X when it ships on March 24, 2001. Again, thanks for helping to make Mac OS X the worldis most advanced operating system.

Apple Software Engineering

You can find more information on OS X at the Apple Web site.

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