Apple Adds Mac OS X 10.2.5 To Apple Store, Not Downloadable Yet


ur friends at MacNN noted today that Apple has added Mac OS X 10.2.5 to the online Apple Store as an orderable CD. Though the Apple Store says the update is downloadable through Software Update Control Panel, it does not actually show up yet. Also, the Apple KBase document linked to by Apple is not yet active. The description from the Apple Store:

The 10.2.5 Update delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for the following applications, utilities, services, and technologies: Address Book, AirPort, AppleScript, Bluetooth, Classic compatibility, Disk Copy, Disk Utility, Finder, Help Viewer, iChat, Image Capture, IP Firewall, Kerberos, Mail, OpenGL, Print Center, Rendezvous, and Sherlock.

The update includes improvements to AFP, Web services, dial up connections over PPP, and Windows file services, as well as audio, disc recording, graphics, and printing improvements and USB, FireWire and SCSI device compatibility enhancements.

The update also provides updated security services and includes the latest Security Updates.

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this Web site:


Mac OS X v10.2

Update 10.2.5 will install on Mac OS X v10.2 through v10.2.4

Note: The Mac OS X v10.2.5 Software Update is also available as a free download via the Software Update preference.

You can find this information at the Apple Store, under the "Apple Software" link on the right hand side of the main page. You can try the direct link, but those tend to be tied to particular sessions, and expire. The update CD is priced at US$19.95, and shipping time is estimated to be 1-2 days when we checked.

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