Living Without Safari Week 1: Firefox

Iive already written reviews for Firefox and OmniWeb, but testing, poking and prodding a browser for a review is one thing. Relying on it as your only interface to the Internet is something else entirely. To that end, I decided to totally immerse myself in several alternatives to Safari just to see how they really work for me.

Here are my self imposed ground rules:

  • Each browser I live in must be the most recent version. Beta and pre-release software doesnit count.
  • No plug-ins, hacks, extensions, or any other add-on that enhances or modifies the browsers are allowed. Each browser will be tested based only on its stock features.
  • No launching Safari “just to check this one page.” Living in a single browser is non-negotiable.
  • Safari can be launched if necessary to transfer bookmarks to another browser.
  • No cheating. But whining is allowed.

The Web browsers on my list include Firefox, OmniWeb, and Opera. I selected those browsers because they are all relatively familiar to a good cross section of Mac users.

Week 1: Firefox
I started with Firefox because it is the second most popular Web browser. First place goes to Microsoftis Windows-only Internet Explorer. This Web browser is open source, cross-platform, and free.

Mozilla Firefox

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