Marathon Forever! Battle Cat Posts Marathon Tutorials

Hamish Sanderson and Chris Komarnicki – Custom Icons and Unique CreatorCodes
Hamish and Chris have conspired together to produce a missing portion of theHAS EditNotes. Chris tells me that if you wring Hamishes lungs he singslike a bluejay and sing he did, here is some great new material from 2talented geeks plus other new material that makes this version of EditNotesthe most up to date on any planet.

Claude Errera – Marathon Installers
Everything you need to know about creating your own scenario installers. Ifyou prefer, you can just dump it in Claudeis lap and he will create aninstaller for you PLUS he will sort of treat you to lunch too… er, afteryou expose his brain a bit…

Quartzi Quarry – Whatis a Hitpoint Worth?
Just ask a hitman. Quartz takes you down that road of damage and pain andexplains why the number of shots it takes to kill a monster, according tothe math, and the number of shots in “Real Life?” donit add up. What is oddis that it is NOT odd that Quartz refers to Marathon as “Real Life?”, butthat is why we tune in and that is what makes him a master Marathon geek.

Mark Levin – Physics Model Reference
Here is a comprehensive guide to all those mysterious flags, integers andinterrelations in that black box known as Physics Models by a man I call myResident Expert. If you pick the mind of this master you will want to goback for his nose and yes, that snot a good joke.

Chris Komarnicki – Killing Time Tutorials
Got some time to kill? Kill it here with some fabulous tips by the authorof the scenario, “Marathon: Killing Time”. This guy has no corporatesecrets and shares everything with you from laser dot sniper scopes, tobreakable windows, to duct taping a flashlight under a shotgun for thecoolest and most overdue effects I have seen in Marathon.

You can find all this and more at Battle Catis Marathon Page.

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