How to Obtain the URL of any Given Tweet

When using Twitter, most of the time it's sufficient to log a Favorite or retweet (RT) a given tweet. But what if you want to publish a link to that tweet? Every tweet has its own unique URL, and that's what you'll need. Here's how to find it, either from your browser or from a twitter client on your Mac.

From Within Your Browser

  1. In your favorite browser, go to and then go to the timeline for the person who sent the tweet and scroll to the tweet of interest.
  2. Right click the time stamp on the top right of the tweet.
  3. Select, for example, “Open Link in New Tab.” Or “New Window.”
  4. In the URL bar of the browser, select the URL then copy it where it needs to go.

In browser, right click the time stamp. (Firefox used here; Safari is the same.)

This is a great, visual way to identify the URL for openers. However, as you become more experienced, you can select a faster option in that contextual menu: “Copy Link Location.”

The URL for that tweet will be in the URL bar at the top of your browser.

Twitter Clients on the Mac

Twitter clients have different ways to obtain the URL. Here are examples from two popular Twitter clients.

From Within YoruFukurou

  1. Right click the tweet of interest.
  2. Select “Open in Browser.”
  3. As above, copy the tweet from the URL bar and paste it where it needs to go.

In YoruFukurou, right click thet tweet. Open in Browser.

From Within Twitterrific

1a. Right click the tweet and select “Open Page.” That will open the tweet in your default browser. Copy the URL from the browser's URL bar as described above.

1b. Or, select “Copy Link to Tweet.”  That will put it in the copy/paste buffer.

2. Paste the URL where you want it to be.

You may need to experiment with other Twitter clients to find the right method. The above examples will give you the general idea. A right click on the tweet is probably a good place to start.

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