OS X Mavericks: Five Tips on Finder Tabs

Hey, I think that looks pretty neat, and the tabs are simple to use and understand. In celebration of this shiny new feature, here are my favorite tricks for using it. 

1. Are you a fan of keyboard shortcuts? Command-T opens a new tab, and Command-W closes the active tab, just like in Safari.

Faster navigation without having to remember anything new? I’m in.

2. Holding down Command and double-clicking a folder opens it in a new tab. This also mimics Safari—Command-click a link or a bookmark in that program, and it’ll do the same thing.

3. If you’ve got a bunch of windows open, pick Window> Merge All Windows to pull them all together as one happy tabbed family.

As under previous versions of OS X, though, you can also hold down the Option key and click on any of your windows’ red “stoplight” buttons to close all of them at once.

4. Move a file from one location’s tab to another by just dragging and dropping.

Also, if you hold the file you’re moving over a tab for a moment, that one will pop to the front, so you can place the file in a folder within that tab. Handy!

5. Pull a tab out of the bar and drop it to pull it into its own window instead.

Yup, that’s me dragging a tab out. My screenshots are SO HELPFUL. YES THEY ARE SO.

Similarly, you can drag tabs around to change their order if you want to.

So, that's quite awesome, isn't it? I'm a person who can't stand a lot of clutter or a ton of open windows anyway, so this new feature feeds my desire for everything to be nice and neat. Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm going to go alphabetize my collection of unused electronics cables. I may be gone for a while.

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