‘2023 Apple History Calendar’ Celebrates Famous and Obscure Apple Software Milestones

Stephen Hackett has launched a Kickstarter for his 2023 Apple History Calendar, a physical calendar that highlights important historical dates for Apple. (Photo Credit: Stephen Hackett).

Today Blogger and Podcaster Stephen Hackett has unveiled his “2023 Apple Hardware Calendar”. In 2022, Hackett debuted a physical wall calendar featuring unique Apple product photography and dates highlighting major milestones within Cupertino’s history.

Today, the designer announced the 2023 calendar offerings. Next year, the 2023 calendar will focus on Apple’s software history.

2023 Apple History Calendar Explores the Story of Apple

For the 2023 Apple History Calendar, highlighted dates range from items such as macOS, iOS, iPad OS releases, to memorable dates concerning iLife and iWork.

Hackett stated,

For 2023, I’ve designed a new edition, focusing on the software that powers our favorite devices. These dates cover everything from Apple’s earliest software to the latest and greatest versions of macOS, iOS, iPadsOS and more. The calendar also includes a wide range of first-party software titles from iLife and iWork to things like Cyberdog and Rhapsody.

The calendar features my own product photography of Apple products, with each month highlighting some of Apple’s software announcements over the years. Each calendar measures 20 inches by 13 inches (50.8 x 33.02 cm) when it’s hanging on your wall with a simple thumbtack or pin.

As someone who likes to cover the history of Apple, this is definitely something fun that one can hang in their home. Looking at what’s next for Apple is always exciting and engaging to talk about. However, it’s always important to take a look at where the company has been.

This calendar is also fun thanks to Hackett’s collection of one-of-a-kind photos for over 200 Macs. His photography also features numerous iPods, iPhones, iPads, Newtons and more.

The project is launching via Kickstarter today. Those that pledge $32 or more will get the physical wall calendar. They will also receive digital wallpapers and a downloadable calendar file with all of the dates. Donating $5 will get you the wallpapers.

Currently sitting at $13,092 with over 300 backers at the time of this writing, the calendar does prove to be popular. While Kickstarter projects can have risks such as production delays and shipping issues, Hackett assures that the calendars will arrive in time to help celebrate the new year.

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