December 21st, 1999

[4:45 PM] Organize Your Images And Multimedia Files WIth Update To iView
by Staff

Script Software International has announced an update to iView Multimedia, their image and multimedia organizer. The new version includes new features and several bug fixes. According to Script Software International:

iView Multimedia can be used to catalog/display all these files, Quark, Canvas, Painter, Live Picture, Freehand, PageMaker, Illustrator, gif, jpg, TIFF, PICT, GX, BMP, Targa, EPS, fonts, sounds, movies, QuickTime VR, animation, MPEG, PNG, Photoshop, MIDI, karaoke, Electric Image, Electronic Arts, CorelDraw and many others.

It can be used by pros in a demanding publishing environment because it follows international standards, is photoshop compatible, is extremely fast, powerful, stable and has great color precision.

In Version 3.7.1

  • Added support for the CDR CorelDRAW images versions 5,6,7 and 8 (preview only)
  • Added support for the .dic extension as DICOM format
  • Minor EPS info improvements.
  • Fixed problem when reaching 8000 files limit
  • Fixed problem when rotating large images (up to 4000x4000 tested)
  • Fixed occasional bug when the displaying of annotation date
  • Fixed problem when hiliting selection on large catalogs
  • Fixed problem when creating font preview with large font sizes rearranged extended set. maximum allowed sizes are: preview font 72, media font 216.
  • Fixed export html problem when including images with long filenames. NOTE: there may still be duplication problems when exporting images with filenames containing more than 28 characters, that differ in the last 3 characters. so users should anticipate that the .jpg extension is automatically added to filenames.
  • Added functionality to open more than one catalog files from the finder.

Who Its For Everyone who needs to track multimedia files. Anyone with a digital camera will find iView Multimedia essential but it is also designed for newspapers, DTP pros, photographers, publishing professionals, scientists, educators, students, doctors, cinematographers, cartoonists, illustrators, cd producers, real estate agents, technologists, magazine designers, multimedia producers, web publishers, consultants, database developers, designers, musicians, sound pro's, singers, artists, and complete and total beginners. iView Multimedia is for anyone who wants to find and immediately use a multimedia file.

iView is priced at US$25. The update is free to registered users. You can find more information on iView Multimedia at a special web site the company has set up for the product.

Script Software International - iView Multimedia