After Apple, Epic Now Beefs With Samsung Over App Store Practices

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Epic Games has announced plans to challenge both Apple and Samsung. The company will return Fortnite to iOS devices in the EU through AltStore and expand its Epic Games Store to global Android and EU iOS markets.

Epic also announced that it is up against Samsung. Epic is protesting Samsung’s decision to block sideloading by default.

Finally, in sad news, we are today announcing that Fortnite and our other games will be leaving the Samsung Galaxy Store in protest of Samsung’s anticompetitive decision to block side-loading by default on Samsung Android devices, and as a result of public revelations in the US Epic v Google lawsuit of ongoing Google proposals to Samsung to restrain competition in the market for Android app distribution.

In addition to its mobile gaming efforts, Epic Games will launch its Epic Games Store on both Android and iOS platforms. The company is trying to position itself as a competitor to existing app stores by offering lower store fees for developers.

As part of its broader strategy, Epic Games has indicated that it will end partnerships with app stores it deems anti-competitive.

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