Podcast – Weekly Roundup: "Airport Superfly" on the Horizon

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For this week’s Context Machine fodder, Apple is shipping 802.11n in Macs, even before the standard is finalized. Also, Cingular starts supporting music transfer to phones from computers. Ricky and Jeff also take a look at Samson’s CL8 microphone in the Product Roundup.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo Sports 802.11n Wireless Capability
  • Cingular To Launch Music Download Service for Cell Phones
  • Delayed Apple Payment Helps Creative
  • Weekly Roundup- A Creative Settlement

    The Product Roundup

  • Samson Audio – CL8 Condenser Microphone
  • Adobe Launches Acrobat 8
  • Fastmac Ships MacBook Pro High-Capacity Battery
  • iTunes 7.0.2 Supports 2G iPod shuffle, Fixes Performance Issues
  • The Slacker’s Guide – Black and White Platinum Pack

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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