Alive and Well From Macworld

By-the-way, I don’t know how that man can work all day putting on something like Macworld and then spend three and half straight hours playing mean guitar as part of The Mac Observer All Star Band along with Bryan Chaffin, Dave Hamilton, Bob Levitus, Chuck La Tournous, Chris Breen, and assorted friends. The TMO party is always one of the highlights of Macworld and this year was no exception.

Speaking of Mac people, I was doing that wasn’t I? Mac people are special, different, unique… pick your own adjective. The very best part of Macworld will always be seeing friends that you only get to see once a year, or people you know through email contact, but have never met face-to-face. Not only have I that pleasure, but I see it going on around me over and over. Makes me smile. We all need to smile.

Back to the conference. The opening speaker was David Pogue and oh my, was he good. Until yesterday I had never met David nor heard him speak. Should you ever get the chance don’t pass it up. He sings, too. Actor LaVar Burton joined him during his presentation as a surprise guest.

Now to the show floor. You could not stir people with a stick. You couldn’t get up to some of the booths. Some vendors told me they were sending back to their offices for more staff to help them because they had not expected such a big crowd.

The state of the economy is evident in small ways. There aren’t many giveaways in the booths. No bags to carry swag – but then there is no swag to carry. Not even many pens. Some vendors are having drawings for larger prizes though.

Many of the vendors are smaller companies with hot new products. All of the TMO staff will no doubt be reviewing many of them in the coming weeks; I know I will be. I am really excited about some of the products I have seen like the mini laser projectors and companies who will make iPhone apps for your business and get them through the Apple process.

It’s early Thursday morning and I am heading back to the show. Wish you were here, too.

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