Alternative HTML Editor Updated

OPTIMA SYSTEM, Stockholm, Sweden – October 18, 2000 – Today Optima
System released version 3.0.1 of PageSpinner, the Web authoring
package for Mac OS.

Version 3.0.1 improves the HTML Checker and the HTML Form support,
updates examples and documentation, and provides bug fixes. All
PageSpinner 3.0 users are recommended to update to this version.

Changes in PageSpinner 3.0.1:

  • The HTML Checker has now better error reporting and user options plus
    better support for HTML 4 strict documents.

  • Updated “Demo Web Server Prefs” script in the Demo scripts folder.
  • Added Option Group tag in the Forms menu.
  • Added a popup menu for the form encoding types in HTML Assistantis Form topic.
  • Updated HTML section in the PageSpinner Guide.
  • Updated source for most of the Built-in examples in the HTML Examples window.
  • Updated parts of the examples and the documentation.
  • Added HTML 4 strict compliant option for the Center button in the toolbar.
  • Increased size of the Find and Replace fields in the Find dialog.
  • Removed a bug that would cause some of the generated code in the
    JavaScript Actions and the User tags to be inserted in lower case if
    the setting for changing tags to lower case was enabled in the
    Default Editor Options.

  • Fixed bug that caused the HTML Checker to display the wrong line in
    the editor when checking files saved with MS-DOS line feeds.

  • Fixes of other minor bugs and appearance glitches.

PageSpinner is available for US$29.95. You can find more information at the Optima System web site.

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