App Makes It Easy To Save Images From Browser Cache

Ever viewed a movie in your browser, only to find out you could not save itto keep (i.e. donit have QuickTime Pro)? Ever wanted to browse your cacheand extract images, video, and text? Want to grab media files from internetweb sites (even if they are ilockedi)? WebXTractor (formerly just calledCacheXTractor) from Infamus Software allows you to do all of that and more!

WebXTractor comes with two powerful tools in one application. The first,CacheXTractor, allows you to search and extract any file from you browsercache. The other, SiteXTractor, allows you to search web pages for filelinks and files (even if they are not normally easy to save — such asbackground music, MP3s, or large QuickTime movies).

CacheXtractor is a unique and extremely useful utility for examining,viewing, and extracting files from your browser cache. The cache is whereyour browser keeps the web sites, images, and movies that you have viewedwhile surfing. Your browser uses the cache later to quickly loadalready-viewed files into your browser screen.

SiteXTractor allows you to directly access files from web pages thatotherwise make it hard for you to save data. Maybe itis just a MIDI or MP3that you want… But donit want to search through HTML code (or arenit goodat those details) to find the actual download address. Or maybe itis a largeQuickTime movie that does not always allow you to save to your disk (such asthose that have a iClick Here to Playi splash screen). Sometimes yourbrowser cache is just not big enough to house the file, making CacheXTractorless effective.

WebXTractor is available for US$17.95. You can find more information at the Infamus Software Web site.

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