Report Shows App Store for iPhone & iPad Each Outgross Android

Distimo Chart

Source: Distimo
(Click the image to see a larger version)

The information is part of Distimo’s Full Year 2011 report on all the major mobile app stores. According to that report, “nearly all of the app stores” more than doubled the total number of available apps over the course of 2011, and Windows Phone 7 Marketplace increased its apps by more than 400 percent.

Stunningly, if you combine the seven major app stores (Amazon, Apple iPad, Apple iPhone, Appworld Android Market, Nokia’s Ovi, and Windows Phone 7 Marketplace), there are more than one million total apps available. Most of those are on Apple’s App Store and Android Market, but the total number is still quite remarkable.

We should also emphasize that while Apple considers iPhone and iPad apps to be part of the one App Store, Distimo is breaking them out separately.

The chart below tracks the total number of apps available in each of the app stores over the course of 2011 (December is obviously excluded, despite the “Full Year” name of the report). It shows that Google’s Android Market has narrowed the gap with Apple, though that requires separating iPhone and iPad apps.

It also shows that even when you do separate iPhone and iPad apps, Apple has the #1 and #3 app stores in terms of available apps (though it’s also true for total downloads and revenue generated). The rests of the pack lags far behind for battling out who is tops in the also-rans, and the number of total non-iPad tablet apps wouldn’t even show as a blip on the chart.

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