Apple Excited to Attend Black Hat, But Answers No Questions

Black Hat 2012

“We are really excited to be here,” Mr. De Atley said during his opening remarks at what AFP described as a packed Caesars Palace ballroom. He added, “When we were developing the iPhone we realized there were aspects that make it different from computers.”

The Black Hat conference is an annual gathering of security professionals and hackers alike. Many of the sessions are presented by industry professionals like Dallas De Atley, but this marks the first time that Apple has officially attended the event.

Mr. De Atley’s talk focused on security in iOS, with a focus on encryption, software keys, and other security-related aspects of Apple’s mobile operating system.

“Security is architecture; you have to build it in from the very beginning. It is not something you can sprinkle over your code when it is done,” Mr. De Atley said.

Though many presenters traditionally take questions from audience members after their discussion, AFP reported that Mr. De Atley “brushed aside questions” as he was “ushered quickly out a side door” once his talk was over.

[Via SlashGear]

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