Apple Board Responds to ex-CFO Claims

The statement from board members Bill Campbell, Millard Drexler, Albert Gore Jr., Arthur D. Levinson, Eric Schmidt and Jerry York stated in part “Steve Jobs cooperated fully with Appleis independent investigation and with the governmentis investigation of stock option grants at Apple. The SEC investigated the matter thoroughly and its complaint speaks for itself, in terms of what it says, what it does not say, who it charges, and who it does not charge.”

In essence, the Apple Board responded to Mr. Andersonis allegations to state that it would not respond.

After agreeing to a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Tuesday, Mr. Anderson released a statement through his lawyer claiming that he advised Mr. Jobs of the accounting implications when backdating stock option grants – Implying that Mr. Jobs was directly involved in improper stock option grant backdating and was aware of the possible consequences.

The board also stated “We have complete confidence in the conclusions of Appleis independent investigation, and in Steveis integrity and his ability to lead Apple.”

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