Apple CFO Files To Sell More AAPL Shares


euters is reporting that Apple CFO Fred Anderson has filed to sell more of his AAPL holdings this week on Monday. Since April 22nd, Apple execs have filed to sell shares of the company on 11 different occasions, counting this latest filing.

SEC regulations require executives of publicly held companies to file all stock transactions involving stock of the company for whom they work. The Reuters report says that Mr. Andersonis latest filing is for stock worth some US$6 million. Mr. Anderson has filed to sell some 359,332 shares of Apple stock since April 23rd of this year, not including this latest filing.

UBS Warburg reiterated AAPL as a Strong Buy yesterday, and raised Appleis earnings estimate for the current quarter, and fiscal 2002, by 2 cents per share. Appleis stock closed Monday at 24.74, down 27 cents, on moderate volume of 4,819,900 shares trading hands.

Apple spokespersons were not immediately available for comment.

You can see all of Appleis insider transactions at Yahoo!is Web site. Join in on the discussion of insider transactions in our Apple Finance Boards.

Other recent Apple insider transactions:

  • Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Operations Timothy Cook exercises options for 572,500 shares, and sells them on April 22nd and April 30th
  • CFO Fred Anderson files to sell 100,000 shares for April 23rd
  • Mr. Anderson files to sell 100,000 shares for April 30th
  • Senior Vice President and General Counsel Nancy Heinen files to sell 125,000 shares for April 30th
  • Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Operations Timothy Cook files to sell 25,000 shares for April 22nd
  • Mr. Cook files to sell 310,000 shares for April 25th, and April 29th
  • Fred Anderson files to sell 159,332 shares in the week of May 6th
  • Sina Tamaddon, Senior Vice President of Applications, files to sell 250,000 shares on May 8th
  • Nancy Heinen files to sell 75,000 shares on May 8th
  • Fred Anderson files to sell US$6 million in AAPL shares on May 20th

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