Apple Customer Service Highly Ranked by Business Week

The company was dinged for the bruises it gets when problems arise right after a product warranty expires, but such bruises were far outweighed by other aspect of its customer service.

“Despite frustration about iPod battery replacements,” BusinessWeek wrote, “Appleis customer service phone support ranks tops among electronics providers. In particular, customers rate its automated phone system as easy to navigate and good at resolving questions.”

The survey was conducted among retail customers, and J.D. Power was asked to find the service champions, as well as more information about those companyis tools and strategies.
According to the article, technology is leveling the battle ground for todayis
high tech companies. What differentiates them is their
customer service.

“It takes coordination from the top, bringing together people, management, technology, and processes to put customersi needs first. Thatis true today more than ever,” said the article. Companies that donit get to a certain level of excellence become also-rans.
There are many new ways in which companies can approach customers, and customers increasingly want a painless experience.

Apple was in good company. Nordstrom ranked #4, Lexus #7, and Porsche
#17. No other consumer electronics or computer company was on the
list of 25 companies.

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