Podcast – Apple Weekly Report: Apple Takes It on the Chin with Customers, Interview w/Chris Breen

Direct Link: MP3 Version

Apple is facing criticism over some of its update and product control tactics, Verizon hopes to knock the iPhone down a notch with its Voyager phone, Time Warner wants a piece of the music download pie, and the iPhone lawsuits keep coming in. This week in the context machine, a special guest joins Jeff and Bryan to discuss Apple’s relationship with customers.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • iPhone Software Update 1.1.1 = A sad day for Apple users
  • Chris Breen Fears Return of “Arrogant” Apple
  • Orange iPhone Deal Delayed Over Contract Negotiations
  • Zune Ready to Take On iPod Again… In November
  • Verizon Hopes to Kill iPhone with Voyager
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  • Microsoft Details Office 2008 Products, Release Date
  • Time Warner Builds iTunes Competitor
  • Microsoft Cuts Bungie’s Cord
  • Apple Sued Over iPhone Price Cut

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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