Apple Designer Marc Newson Hints at More Wearable Computing, Intelligent Cars

“We will start to see more technology embedded in garments—magic woven in,” Mr, Newson said. “There are some incredible things that are going to happen.”

Marc Newson Vroom!

Marc Newson, Driving a 1952 built Yellow Ferrari 225 with Phil Poynter during a time trial at 1000 Miglia race on May 12, 2011 in Brescia
Photo by Roberto Cerruti, courtesy of Shutterstock

These are tantalizing comments from Mr. Newson, a world renowned designer who went to work for Apple last year (at least that's when it was announced). He has been friends with Apple Chief Design Officer Jony Ive for 20 years, and currently works for Apple on “special projects.”

Mr. Newson has other jobs, too. He heads up Quantas's VIP program, has a watch company called Ikepod, designs furniture, and even once designed a concept car for Ford. In his interview with The Standard, however, he specified that he spends 60 percent of his time with Apple.

More importantly, he said that he hopes to work at the company “indefinitely.” For those reading between the lines, this is more circumstantial evidence that Sir Jony didn't get promoted to the C-Suite so that he could quit.

And why would this world famous designer want to work at Apple for the foreseeable future?

“Apple is exceptional,” he said in the interview. “It does things exactly the way they need to be done, or not at all. The way a product is made is as important as its design. Everything has to be correct.”

There is a lot more in the full article, and I recommend it as an interesting read.

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