Apple Drops Out of NAB Show

Apple has announced that it will not have a booth at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) show in April, according to TVTechnology on Thursday.

According to the report, Apple is cutting down on its trade show participation.

“Apple is participating in fewer trade shows this year” said Anuj Nayar, senior manager of PR at Apple. “Often there are better ways to reach our customers. The increasing popularity of our retail stores and Web site allows us to directly reach more than 100 million customers around the world in innovative new ways.”

Apple declined to comment on whether it plans to return in the future. Last year, Avid, a competitor to Apple in that market dropped out as well. Despite the cancellation of Appleis booth at the NAB show, Dennis Wharton, a spokesman for NAB said, “We?re talking about some on-site business opportunities with Apple.”

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