All The Power Of An Apple //e In The Palm Of Your Hand

PalmApple is an open source Apple //e emulator for PalmOS PDAs.


Current Status

  • Complete rewrite using 68000 assembly for 6502 and video emulation.
  • Apple //e with M65C02 CPU (not complete undocumented opcode emulation)
  • 64K Memory (with 16K Language Card)
  • 40×24 text mode, 280×192 hires mode, and mixed text/hires mode.
  • Disk II controller support – slot 6 only
  • No slot 3 expansion ROM support
  • No sound support (anybody know how to program the Dragonball PCM hardware?)
  • No 80-Column Card
  • Included Apple disk converter
  • STILL IN ALPHA STAGE!. Play it at your own risk.

According to the site, PalmApple is still early in development stages, but is still usable. According to the PalmInfoCenter article, some PalmOS 5 devices with at least 66MHz CPUs can run the emulator at almost full speed, and performance enhancements are in the works. Unfortunately, the utility to convert Apple II disk images into a format usable by the emulator and the PalmOS is Windows-only. You can get more information and download links at the PalmApple Web site.

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