Podcast – Apple Weekly Report #130: Apple Earnings, Jobs’ Health, MobileMe Headaches

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Apple reported is second best quarter in the company’s history, App Store downloads topped 25 million, and there’s a mystery product transition coming in the next couple of months. The second iPhone 3G launch is coming in August, and MobileMe is giving people headaches. This week’s Quick Tip: Deleting iPhone and iPod touch applications.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • Apple Q3 Results: Record June Quarter with $7.46 Billion in Revenue
  • Apple Retail Shows Strong Third Quarter
  • App Store Downloads Top 25 Million
  • Apple CFO Hints at “Future Product,” Mum on Details
  • Analysts Speculate on Apple Products, Pricing in 2009
  • Apple COO: Steve Jobs Has No Plans to Leave Apple
  • Jobs: I’m OK, Butt Out
  • MobileMe Email: Down for the Count?
  • WSJ: MobileMe Flawed, Ragged
  • NYT: Apple’s MobileMess
  • iPhone Due in 20 More Countries on August 22
  • iPO Quick Tip – iTunes: Deleting iPhone Apps
  • TMO on Twitter!

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    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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