Apple Offers Free Downloads Of DNC Speeches On iTMS [UPDATED]


Update 3:35 PM: An Apple spokesperson has confirmed for TMO that the iTMS will be carrying speeches from next monthis Republican National Convention.]

Our friends at MacMinute noted that Apple is offering free downloads of speeches from the 2004 Democratic National Convention through the iTunes Music Store (iTMS). The iTMS currently has speeches from Days 1 and 2 available, including speeches by the following: former Vice President of the US and current Apple board member Al Gore; former President Jimmy Carter; Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton; former President Bill Clinton; Senator Ted Kennedy; Senate candidate Barack Obama; Ron Reagan; and Teresa Heinz Kerry.

TMO has contacted Apple to see if days 3 and 4 of the convention would likewise be offered, and to find out if the company is planning on offering downloads from the Republican National Convention, which begins on August 30th; this article will be updated when Apple has answered those questions.

You can find the speeches on the iTMSis landing page, or through this direct link: 2004 DNC Speech Downloads. Apple also has a free copy of the Executive Summary of the 9-11 Commission Final Report.

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