Apple/Intel Partnership "Worth the Risk," Says BusinessWeek

Apple’s partnership with Intel Is “worth the risk” and could help Apple control more of the growing laptop market, according to a technology analysis by Business Week columnist Peter Burrows.

“Hooking up with Intel is worth the risk,” Mr. Burrows wrote. “So long as Apple is growing, software developers are likely to adapt their programs to run on the ‘MacIntels.’ And in the long term, Macs with Intel inside could spark growth.

“For starters, it could help close a speed gap in the fast-growing laptop market…And while few analysts expect Apple to make serious inroads into the corporate market, over the long haul it could eke out some gains — especially if Apple one day agrees to allow Windows to run alongside its OS, something Jobs says it has no plans to allow.”

Mr. Burrows guesses the Intel deal could provide Apple with a technology tool kit to create a greater variety of trailblazing consumer products. “One possibility: a device for playing music and home movies — like the MediaCenter PCs championed by Microsoft, but with Apple’s trademark elegance and ease of use,” he wrote.

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