Apple Announces iPhoto 11 [Update]

One of the biggest changes in the new version of iPhone is a full screen mode where the app takes over your entire screen. Many Windows users will find this mode comforting, and iOS users will find it familiar, as well. 

Apple has added new slideshow themes that will automatically create slideshows based on places, albums, or photos you assemble. During the “Back to the Mac” media event Wednesday, Apple execs demonstrated a Places-based slideshow where iPhoto grabbed every photo in its library that had been tagged with “London,” and then displayed them while cutting back forth to a map.

The new version of iPhoto lets users select multiple photos and email them without leaving the application. It also supports in-message templates and themes, all of which can be automatically created and then easily hand-edited.

Users can now order more books with new themes and a new full screen interface for creating them. The new creation tool will automatically populate a book with images from a chosen albums, with emphasis given to photos that have been marked with higher ratings. Users can then drag and drop photos as wanted. Theres also a new bookshelf interface for seeing the books you have created in the past.

Apple has beefed up social networking support in iPhoto, with the ability to directly post a photo to Facebook and then see any comments made about that photo. Users can also see a stream of all the social networking places they may have posted any given image in a stream right by that photo.

Lastly, users can now order letterpress cards from iPhoto, cards with an embossed print design that also have a photo printed on them.

iPhone ‘11 is part of iLife ‘11, which is available now for $49.

iPhoto 11 Screen

iPhoto 11 with Letterpress Cards

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