Report: Apple Planning Second iTunes Super Bowl Promo

TBWAChiatDay and its southern California office has already been given the assignment, according to, five months after BBDO launched the Pepsi iTunes promotion on Super Bowl XXXVIII last Feburary 1.

The contract is worth an estimated US$15-20 million and the campaign is expected to launch during Super Bowl XXXIX, set for Sunday, February 6, 2005. The campaign is expected to run into the Spring.

Sources said the reason for the switch to ChiatDayis west coast offices to handle the contract was that Apple CEO Steve Jobs wanted the Apple agency to do the work so he could have more of a say in its creation.

Apple and Pepsi announced their the promotion last fall and had hoped to give away 100 million free songs. The redemption rate fell far short of expectations as only some five million free song were redeemed.

The first campaign featured 16 real-life teenagers who were sued by the recording industry for illegally downloading music from the Internet. Set to the music of Green Dayis version of “I Fought the Law,” the spot showed the teens changing their attitudes about illegally downloading music files and admitting they will download music for free from the iTunes store.

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