Apple Modifies Google AdWord Policy

As previously reported, the issue stems from Apple requesting that Google prohibit the use of specific AdWords, or keywords, in paid advertisements in Google search results. The end result was that companies selling Mac and iPod related products were hobbled because they had no way of linking their products to a consumeris search.

Although “Mac” and “Macintosh” are now allowable AdWords, other Apple trademarked terms like Apple, iPod, shuffle, Mac mini, iMac, iBook, PowerBook, Power Mac, iTunes, and iTMS are still prohibited. Since the restrictions seem to apply to advertisements running in Eastern Europe and Switzerland, this word game headache shouldnit be a problem for companies advertising in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Western Europe.

Engst noted that neither Apple or Google responded to his request for an official statement regarding the policy change.

Despite the fact that neither company is acknowledging the change, the fact remains that advertisers will now have an easier time promoting their Apple related products through Google. Mr. Engst and the tight knit community of Mac and iPod developers and service providers no doubt played an important role resolving the issue.

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