For 12 Years Apple Most Admired Company

Fortune has ranked Apple as the most admired company in the world. Apple has held this position for 12 years.

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Although Apple is popular, Tim Cook is not. He got 79 votes for being an underrated CEO while 183 people voted him as overrated. Attributes of reputation are such things like people management, social responsibility, quality of products/services, and more.

image of apple attributes of reputation
Apple’s scores. Credit: Fortune

These rankings are based on top 10 lists picked by 3,750 executives, analysts, directors, and experts. Other companies to make the list include Berkshire Hathaway, Disney, Starbucks, Microsoft, Alphabet, Netflix, JPMorgan Chase, and FedEx.

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Photo by Medhat Dawoud on Unsplash

One thought on “For 12 Years Apple Most Admired Company

  • Fortune??? Yeah, a bastion of truth there, right? Apple is chronically listed as a top ten most HATED company in the WORLD as well as America. Foxconn comes in at a strong 6th and these are from data that isn’t sponsored by a corporate magazine that takes advertising. Nice spin, though for the fanboy clones here. Oh, and if you think I made this up – just research it, cloneboy. 🤡

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