Apple’s New Website Can Help You Understand How to Build iPhone and Mac Apps

Apple's "Everyone Can Code" Swift education program expands around the world
Apple's "Everyone Can Code" curriculum goes international

Coding apps for Apple’s latest products can be challenging for some novice developers, but Apple wants to help. There’s now a new Apple website dedicated to learning some of the basics for developing with Swift, Apple’s programming language.

Overall, this website has three different sections and chapters, with various lessons you can browse through. The first is dedicated to the foundations of SwiftUI, exploring Xcode. There you can learn about basic tasks like adding structures, properties, layout and styles, buttons, lists, and text fields to apps. The Data modeling section, meanwhile, looks at tasks like saving and retrieving data, navigating the data, and building relationships for an app. There’s also a section for Spatial computing, for the basics of how you might want to code an app for the Apple Vision Pro.

Ahead of WWDC, where coding and developers will be the focus, it is pretty nice to see Apple put out a website like his since it introduces the basics of coding to more people. The website is free to use, and you don’t need to log in with an Apple Account to get started with it. Once you click through to a specific section or chapter, there are step-by-step tutorials, complete with screenshots on how you can proceed through the process and lessons. All that’s needed to use it is a Mac running macOS Sonoma or Ventura and Xcode. An iPhone is not required.

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