Where Has the Apple Passion Gone?

“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” — E.B. White

There was a time, during the PC Wars, when Apple customers had a special passion for Macs. It was derived from the industrial design of Macs and the OS, but propelled by the fact that businesses wanted to buy the cheapest PCs for their employees. Fast forward to now when every Apple competitor seems able to copy the iPhone and iPad. Where did all that Mac passion go?


It wasn't very long ago when Apple was not a player in modern consumer electronics. In 1999, Apple's strength was quickly becoming the industrial design of its Macintoshes. Gone were the bland, even ugly Performa models, and with Jonathan Ive, Apple was able to excite its customer base with exciting new products like the PowerMac G3, a curvy beauty that made PCs of the time look ridiculously bad. For reference, here's a video of the PMG3's introduction.

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