Apple Not Expanding Video Beyond the U.S. For Now

When Apple rolled out the iTunes Music Store in Australia, they also asked about video content. Apple offered no time frame to the Aussies, either.

Eddy Cue, global head of iTunes, commented for the Sydney Herald “Itis something we just started in the US and we have nothing to announce at this time.”

Similarly, Tony Li, Appleis product marketing manager for the Asia Pacific region, said “We are just stepping into the uncharted territory with the new iPod,” and followed up by confirming that Apple has no plans to sell video content in South Korea at this time.

The difference in South Korea, however, is that there is no apparent market for portable video players. Asian electronics consumers also tend to be younger and more sensitive to technologies and design, compared to their counterparts around the world. Mr. Li noted that Apple is using the new iPod as test for tech-savvy Asian consumers.

ALthough Apple is the dominant player in the portable MP3 player market worldwide, they arenit on top in South Korea. Apple has sold a respectable 28 million iPods since 2001, but still remains below competitors like Samsung, Reigncom, and Cowon in South Korea. If their experiment with Asian consumers pays off, Apple could take control of the South Korean market as well.

The iTunes Music Store has already sold over one million videos since October 12, and consumer interest is staying high. If Apple strikes while the iron is hot, and rolls out video sales in other markets soon, it may dominant not only South Korea, but the rest of the world, too.

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