Apple Video Sales Strong, More Programming On the Way

Eddie Cue, the global head of iTunes commented "The result from video has been great, as has the customer feedback."

ABC seems pleased, too. It announced that negotiations are underway to clear the rights with musicians, actors and directors so that more shows will find their way on to the iTunes Music Store. More programming beyond Desperate Housewives, Lost and Night Stalker should be available by early 2006.

The popularity of video downloads has iTunes users outside of the United States wondering when they get to join in, and thatis exactly what Australianis wanted to know at the launch of the Australian version of the iTunes Music Store on October 25.

Apple is keeping that information to itself. Mr. Cue said "Itis something we just started in the U.S. and we have nothing to announce at this time."

Apple isnit sharing the numbers yet from video sales, but the open excitement among executives implies those numbers are fairly high. If thatis the case, then Appleis expansion into the video market outside the U.S. canit be too far off, especially since people are buying video capable iPods all over the world.

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