Podcast – Apple Weekly Report #122: Apple vs. NY and MS vs. Yahoo

Direct Link: MP3 Version

Apple is seeing red over New York’s Green logo, Adobe’s 64-bit apps are coming to Windows first, Final Cut Server finally sees the light of day, iPhones get cheap in Germany. Microsoft’s buyout battle with Yahoo is heating up, and Germany’s iTunes Store now offers more than music. This week’s Quick Tip: Fixing iPhone sync problems.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • Apple to NYC’s Green Logo: No No No
  • Photoshop Boss: 64-bit Adobe CS4 Coming to Windows First
  • Apple Ships Final Cut Server
  • Analyst Downgrades AAPL Citing Economic Worries & School Budgets
  • TV Comes to iTunes Germany
  • T-Mobile Offers Subsidized iPhone in Germany
  • Microsoft Gives Yahoo 3 Week Ultimatum
  • Yahoo CEO Bashes Microsoft Takeover Threats
  • iPO Quick Tip – Breaking the iPhone Sync Blues
  • TMO on Twitter!

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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