Analysts: Nobody Knows How Many Apple Watches Apple Sold

Apple isn't saying how many Apple Watches have been soldApple isn't saying how many Apple Watches have been sold

At the high end, Jeffries analyst  Sundeep Bajikar estimates Apple sold 5.7 million smart watches. At the low end sits Turley Muller from Financial Alchemist at 2.85 million units. Several analysts are clustered around 5 million, and another group has gravitated towards 3 million.

The range between the highest and lowest estimates is surprising in that the top end is twice as big as the most conservative estimate. The takeaway there is that no one really has a good idea how many watches Apple sold.

Apple CEO Tim Cook made it clear he isn't interested in sharing Apple Watch sales figures, so don't expect to see any hard numbers during Tuesday's third quarter fiscal earnings report. Instead, what we're likely to see are nebulous statements like, “We were blown away by the demand,” and “Sales figures exceeded our expectations.”

Mr. Cook also isn't interested in giving up any data to competitors, according to Fortune. “I'm not very anxious in reporting a lot of numbers on Apple Watch because competitors look for it,” he said.

Apple's quarterly earnings report is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21 at 5PM eastern time. Be sure to check in with The Mac Observer for our coverage and analysis.

Apple is currently trading at US$131.94, up 2.32 (1.79%).

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