Apple is including a Lightning to 3.5mm headphone jack adapter with the iPhone 7, but what happens when you lose yours? Apple is happy to sell you another, and it’ll cost you US$9.

The Lightning to 3.5mm Headphone Jack Adapter is already on Apple’s website as an iPhone 7 accessory, although it’s showing as currently unavailable. Presumably that’ll change by next Friday when the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus start shipping.
Apple unveiled the new iPhone 7 lineup at a media event on Wednesday where senior vice president of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller confirmed the decades-old 3.5mm headphone jack was history. Apple removed the jack to make room for other components, like the new cameras the he said are better than those in any other smartphone.
iPhone 7 owners won’t be out of luck for listening to music or making phone calls because the new models include EarPods with a Lightning port connector, and they support Bluetooth earphones, just like previous iPhone models. By bundling the 3.5mm jack adapter, Apple ensured all of the headphones users already have will still work.
Apple offering the adapter as an accessory purchase isn’t surprising because people will eventually need replacements or extras. The price, however, is a bit of a surprise at $9—not $19 or $29, which more in line with the company’s other basic cables.
Hitting the sub $10 price point for the Lightning to 3.5mm Headphone Jack Adapter is a smart move because is says Apple isn’t going to gouge customers for an adapter to a port many think shouldn’t have been removed—although no doubt we’ll start hearing complaints about how it should cost $5 instead. Still, it’s a reasonable price and takes away some of the sting of losing or breaking one.
A good article BurmaYank. I am still going to grumble about it for a while, then yell at some clouds though not iClouds which I like and use.
This (IMHO) excellent article somewhat helped mollify my criticism of what I’ve been considering a boneheaded (or regrettable) decision:
“Inside iPhone 7: Why Apple Killed The Headphone Jack” – (John Paczkowski – BuzzFeed San Francisco – Sep 7, 2016)
[quote][b]Lee Dronick suggested what might [/b][i]”…help mollify criticism of what still many consider a boneheaded decision.”[/i][/quote]
This (IMHO) excellent article [b]somewhat[/b] helped mollify [i]my[/i] criticism of what I’ve been considering a boneheaded (or regrettable) decision:
[url=][b]Inside iPhone 7: Why Apple Killed The Headphone Jack [i](John Paczkowski[/b] – BuzzFeed San Francisco – Sep 7, 2016)[/i][/url]
Belken makes a solution to this completely-obvious-to-everyone-but-Apple problem.
But it ain’t cheep.
So am I the only one who charges when away from a computer?
Apple needs an adapter to listen to headphones while charging. You know like the the Lightning to VGA adapter or Lightning Digital AV Adapter.
And this is not what I meant ( It’s not a cable or mobile ) iphone lightning dock black
I found this IMHO excellent article [i][b]somewhat[/b] “…help(ed) mollify (my) criticism of what still many consider a boneheaded decision.”:[/i]
[url= “> iPhone 7: Why Apple Killed The Headphone Jack (John Paczkowski – BuzzFeed San Francisco – Sep 7, 2016)[/url]
That’s…surprisingly reasonable.
Lee, I agree that it was not a great decision. I understand their reasons but I don’t think they hold water ( 😆 ) People keep comparing this to when they dropped the Floppy Disk. The thing was aside from boot disks on PCs, the Floppy was on its way out. They were too small for an increasing number of files, and the quality was dropping so much you couldn’t trust them. This was why things like cartridge drives, Zip Disks, (re)writable CDs, were all being used because the Floppy was just not adequate any longer. Compare that to the Headphone Jack. People still use them. Sure there’s some Bluetooth, and other options but for a reliable wired connection the good old Headphone Jack is still the first choice for most average users and professionals. Far from fading away, it is going strong. I think Apple will be selling as lot of these adapters as people, like me, keep using our solid, reliable, trusted, EXPENSIVE, equipment. I’m not throwing away my $120 Skullcandy headphones just because Apple wants to try to push technology in a particular direction. I’m also sure my nephew, a professional musician and music producer, isn’t going to be replacing his equipment just because Apple made a choice.
I found this IMHO excellent article somewhat “…help(ed) mollify (my) criticism of what still many consider a boneheaded decision.”:
[url= “> iPhone 7: Why Apple Killed The Headphone Jack (John Paczkowski – BuzzFeed San Francisco – Sep 7, 2016)[/url]
Including more of them in the iPhone 7 box, or selling them for a $1, would help mollify criticism of what still many consider a boneheaded decision.
That’s nice. Get a spare, just in case…
I’m getting tired of paying $29 for earbuds when the connector begins to short out (I’ve tried buying lower-cost knock-off from amazon, but that turned out to be a BIG mistake).