Blue Mango Shipping New QuickTime Editor

Blue Mango Multimedia, LLC is now shipping Enhanced QuickTime External. Enhanced QuickTime External is a utility designed for expanding the standard QuickTime feature set. The app ships with QuickTime movie editing support and audio level control. According to Blue Mango Multimedia, LLC:

Blue Mango Multimedia, LLC today announced the Enhanced QuickTime External, which extends the QuickTime features available to the Revolution software development system. The external is available for Mac OS X, Mac OS 9, and Windows.

The Enhanced QuickTime External greatly expands the capabilities available to Revolution developers. In addition to playing movies and responding to callback messages, the external adds support for advanced QuickTime features such as wired actions, editing, movie download status, and intermovie communication.

Developers can now create QuickTime-rich Revolution applications that allow creation and editing of QuickTime movies. Editing support includes:

  • Saving movies
  • Disabling save
  • Exporting
  • Extracting a track from a movie
  • Deleting tracks
  • Copy and paste
  • Add and add scaled

You can find more information about the Enhanced QuickTime External release at the Blue Mango Multimedia, LLC Web site. Enhanced QuickTime External is available as freeware.

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