[Update: Working Smarter for Mac Users is now live on iBooks. – Bryan]
Originally published March 7th – I am proud to announce that our own Bob “Dr. Mac” Levitus released a new book Tuesday, Working Smarter for Mac Users. It’s a productivity book specifically written for Mac users. It combines Bob’s own techniques for overcoming procrastination with his decades of learning how to get the absolute most out of his Mac.

Full disclosure: I edited this book, and it’s amazing. As much as I live on my Mac every day of my life, Bob taught me so many things in the pages of Working Smarter for Mac Users. That element alone is enough to make me recommend it.
Working Smarter for Mac Users
But there’s another element, too, and that’s Bob’s methods for overcoming procrastination, something he’s battled his whole life. His book bundles up all of those methods with careful explanations on how he uses them, and more importantly, how to think about them.
I’ve read a lot of self-help systems over the years, and none of them resonated with me. One reason for that is they all tend to tell you the One True Way of Doing Things, which is nonsense. We’re all wired differently, and there is no One True Way of Doing Things unless you add the caveat “For Me” to the end of it.
Bob’s approach is so much different. With Working Smarter for Mac Users, he identifies the problem, offers multiple ways of thinking about them, and encourages you to pick and choose what works for you. His goal is help you think differently about productivity, rather than proselytizing the One True Way of Doing Things.
All of the Mac tips in the book make it a must have, but if you struggle with procrastination like I do, Working Smarter for Mac Users is even more valuable.
Buy It
Working Smarter for Mac Users is available on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks now for US$29.99. You can also order an autographed copy on PDF he’ll send to you on a USB drive for the same price. It’s coming to Barnes & Noble, too.
There are sample chapters on the website.
One thing: if you read Working Smarter for Mac Users, make sure you rate it and review it, no matter what you think about it.
Doesn’t Amazon give you a much better royalty rate if you price it below $10?
Jeffsz: I put a year of my life into writing and publishing this book and I believe $30 is a fair and reasonable price.
I hope you’ll agree once you’ve finished reading it.
Either way, thanks for buying it. 🙂
To be fair and complete, I did buy the book from Amazon.com. After I thought about it a bit, I realized that I have nearly the same problem of procrastination as Bob, but not the ADHD.
If the book lives up to only half of its promise, I think it is well worth it. I hope to provide a review of it soon.
It looks like a very good work having read the downloadable sample from it, but $30 seems a bit steep for a digital text.
If you have a Mac, get this book. I was very exited and amazed to be able to beta read Bob’s book. I loved it.