Bryan Chaffin

Todayis entry comes from our own
Editor-in-Chief, Bryan Chaffin.

Launch CPU Monitor. Move CPU Monitor
to the Dock. Get URL for Understanding and
Working With The Dock
for those who may not know how to add things to the Dock. Add it to Login Items in System Prefs. Open CPU Monitor prefs. Turn on Display Expanded View, turn off the normal view. Adjust colors so that they donit induce vomiting. Choose a rich yellow for user processes and a blood-red color for root-level processes. Change background to a charcoal gray.

Add Process Viewer to Dock and Login
Items. Launch Process Viewer, Change view to User Processes only.

Launch Terminal. Adjust settings so that
I get white text on a black background. Wish that that very cool ASCII
Star Wars movie
site was still up. Add Terminal to Dock.

Read Late Breaking News, Remove Late
Breaking News from Dock. Briefly toy with removing the funky X Web site link
from the Dock. Put it off until later. Wonder why they got that @ symbol for
a link in the first place.

Remove QuickTime Player from Dock.

Remove Sherlock from Dock.

Remove Displays control from Dock.
Think about removing AirPort control. Decide to leave it alone.

Change Dock prefs to Auto-hide, Turn
Animate Opening Applications off. Turn magnification off.

Turn Keyboard repeat rate up, Turn
delay down.

Speed up mouse tracking. Wish for scroll wheel support in Carbon and Classic apps, and support for my two extra buttons. Wonder when Apple or Microsoft is going to deal with this.

Open Finder Preferences, turn Icon size
up to the maximum size and think how cool that is. Turn it back down to being
just smaller than it was. Turn on Keep View Same When Opening Folder In Same
Window. Turn it back off once I realize what it does.

Replace Internet Explorer Favorites
file with an alias to Favorites file in my Classic System Folder so that the
two are the same. Add Classic IE icon to dock, realize how ugly it is compared
to the beautiful IE X icon.

Add both hard drives to the Dock.

Add "Columns" folder to Dock.
Explain that this is the folder where all the articles I edit for TMO reside.
Realize that I have a ton of really cool X icons. Replace Columns icon with
new X icon from Mendelini. Realize
that I will have to remove Columns from the Dock and then put it back in order
to see the new icon there. Do so.

Add Terminal, Word, GoLive, Photoshop,
Eudora, and Cyberdog (GO CYBERDOG!) icons to Dock. Briefly think about how
cool it is that OpenDoc works in X through Classic emulation. Arrange all the
icons in the Dock so that those I will be working with most often are grouped

Become annoyed that Command-Tabbing to
switch apps doesnit bring up a separate popup box. Wonder when Power On
Software will be releasing GoMac for X. Think that it would at least be cool
if Command-Tabbing only switched one app at a time. Wonder why Apple
implemented it in the way that they did.

Change Background to something less
psychotic, use that cool nighttime map of the earth. Be secretly amused at how
clever I think I am for noticing that there can be no "nighttime"
picture of the entire planet. Wait for readers to catch up.

Enable Root access. Wage internal
debate on whether or not to get into how to do that in this piece. Apparently
decide not to do so.

Install Fire, Set up my AIM account,
move Fire icon to the Dock. Remember that Fire keeps getting
blocked by AOL
. Wonder if Eric Payton could ever work out something with
AOL to keep that from happening. Read Kyleis piece about the Java AIM client.
Fire up AIM, transfer all of my AIM buddy information to Fire by hand.
Remember that I ran across a comment somewhere about this saying that AIM will
export its buddy list. Silently curse my lack of organization.

Get Classic to launch, wait forever for
it to finish launching, wonder why. Remember that I forgot to change my
Extension Set to a minimalist Mac OS X Set. Once launched, change Classic Extension
set to Mac OS X Set. Chuckle at what Dave Hamilton
would think of what I consider to be minimalist. Restart Classic with Mac OS X
Set. Marvel at how much faster it is.

Sit back and look at Aqua. Think to
myself "Damn, this is so cool." Think about the long path we have
all taken to get to Mac OS X. Think more "coolness" thoughts. Tip my
hat to Steve Jobs, Avie Tevanian and the other folks at Apple.

Get to work.

Elapsed time? 23 minutes.

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