CNBC's Interview With Steve Jobs Hits the Hot Buttons [With Video]

CNBCis Jim Goldman sat down with Steve Jobs after Tuesdayis “Letis Rock” event to ask some follow-up questions. While the interview focused on Music and Macs, Mr. Goldman did inquire about Mr. Jobsi health off camera — which was described as good,
even if he could stand to gain 10 or 15 pounds. Mr. Jobs declined to comment on the new Microsoft ad with Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld, but the look on his face was priceless.

Asked about his health, Mr. Jobs said, “Iim doing fine, really.” Mr Jobs offered that all the fuss about his health was coming from “hedge funds with a big short position in Apple.” It was said in passing, and Mr. Goldman didnit characterize the comment as a hand grenade tossed at anyone specific on Wall Street.

Goldman and Jobs

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