Top this: Cosmic Top, Boundless Joy-Toy for iPad

Cosmic Top for the iOS isn’t a game. Rather, it’s a toy. There’s no goal other than to create visual effects and amuse yourself. And it’s a geek toy with gyroscopic color and Euler’s equations for spinning bodies. The only limit is your own imagination and playfulness.

The iOS system is famous for games. But when is the last time you had an iPad or iPhone toy? Toys are different. You experiment. You get feedback, and change your behavior. You delight in what you’ve created, then smash it and start over. Like a sand castle. Or a Tinker Toy. There’s no score and no competition. You just play and let your imagination run amok.

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Cosmic Top is the first sheer toy I’ve downloaded for my iPad, and I love it. In some sense, you’re creating lights in the sky, maybe UFO’s if your imagination takes you there. Or think of a gyroscope that lights up.

Here are the features:

  • Realistic physics simulation via Euler’s equations.
  • 3D graphics and audio
  • Touch control with up to 11 active touches on the iPad.
  • Uses build-in gyroscope if available.
  • Automatic brake action on or off
  • Gravity on or off

And this is not just a toy for kids. I imagine that any normal adult, looking to be a little playful, will delight in seeing what kinds of spinning shapes can be created. You can get lost in time, which is another attribute of a good toy.

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The app is intuitive and makes it very easy to bring up the control panel, get info on how to operate, and change shapes. You can turn the built-in sound effects off and play your own iPod music in the background. A toy should offer possibilities, and this is a great toy. I am sure this app is going to show up, sooner or later, in a TV show or movie.

To see a video of this toy in action, visit the Cool Bear Studios Website. This app is highly recommended.

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Product: Cosmic Top

Company: Cool Bear Studios

List Price: US$1.99



Endless visual fun.  A quintessential toy.

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