Podcast – Weekly Roundup: Cracking iTunes+iPod, Merging AMD+ATI

Direct Link: MP3 Version

This week the Context Machine is back in action! Ricky and Jeff take a closer look at the top two stories of the week: the DVD Jon hack of iTunes+iPod, and the unfolding AMD/ATI merger. What impact will those stories have on the music business and on the Mac? Tune in to this episode of the Weekly Roundup to find out. Also, Shure’s SM58 features in the Product Roundup.

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    The Context Machine FodderThe Product Roundup

  • A DoubleTwist On DRM
  • AMD- Merger With ATI to Include CPU, GPU Merger
  • Sony- Sorry About the Batteries
  • Battery Recalls Kill Sony Profits

    The Product Roundup

  • Shure – SM58 Vocal Microphone
  • Firefox 2.0 Officially Available
  • ProScope HR Microscope Captures Video, Stills
  • Skype 2 for Mac Now Available
  • Review – OmniDazzle

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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