Podcast – Weekly Roundup: A Creative Settlement

Direct Link: MP3 Version

This week’s top story is the legal Judo coming out of Apple and Creative. Ricky Spero and Jeff Gamet send the companies’ recent settlement through the Context Machine, and find we’ve just seen one of the most clever business maneuvers in tech history. Also: AOL beats iTunes to market in digital movie downloads. Where do we sign up? No, seriously: it’s not clear how to sign up.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • Apple Pays Creative $100 Million to Use Patent; Creative Joins ‘Made For iPod’
  • TMO Reports – What Lies Behind the Apple-Creative Settlement?
  • AOL Offers Movie Downloads
  • FCC Filing Reveals More Zune Info
  • FTC to Investigate Need For Net Neutrality

    The Product Roundup

  • New Compact Mac Mouse, Keyboard from Adesso
  • OWC Announces Portable 1.5TB RAID System
  • Trans International Announces Mac Pro RAM Kits
  • Monday’s Mac Gadget – Want to Supercharge Your Dock? Check Out Todos!

    Don’t forget, the Podcast and Portable Media Expo coming up, September 29-30.

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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